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Digital Takeoff Tool Selection Shortcuts

I'd like some keyboard/mouse shortcuts that correspond to the tools available in Digital Takeoff (Count, Segment Line, SLT, etc.). Having a mechanism that allows for quickly swapping though tools would be massively efficient, and helpful for those learning digital takeoff. Alt + Scroll might work well for cycling through the toolbar, similar to Ctrl + Drag for navigating drawings.  

  • Guest
  • Jun 27 2018
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  • Guest commented
    August 13, 2018 21:52

    David, I couldn't agree more.  I cannot believe that View-Point has not  created a list of the typical short-cuts that speed-up our take-off.  Hopefully their buyout by Trimble  will only mean upgrades to their system and make some much needed changes.


    Scottie Holt

    The Cherokee Group

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