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Plans & Image Quality Import - Image Manager

We are having a very hard time getting good quality - View-able drawings, most of the dimensions and words are eligible  in the take off program. We are told to use the Image Manager however this doesn't work and is an external extra step in the process that I've only had luck in operating once. With OST & Plan Swift we did not have these issues, is there a way to fix this? ALL of our imported drawings are PDF and very good quality before import, I can not comprehend why they are so ugly in transfer. - Help Please

  • Vaughn Dobbins
  • Mar 31 2017
  • Likely but not yet planned
  • Attach files
  • Karl Rajotte commented
    April 03, 2017 18:07

    Try using the DTO Preview / Adjust on AIM.  There is the ability to change DPI as well as Threshold.   We are looking to replace the AIM tool in 2018 with an embedded tool within DTO.

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