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Need ability to link AR Revenue Type to GL Expense Account (Bad Debt)

Currently there is no easy way to write off a bad deb A/R Invoice.  Should be able to Adjust Invoice to zero or enter credit memo to offset and hit bad debt instead of A/R.  This requires Journal Entry.

Workaround given:

Set up a "clearing" non-project revenue account to use in the Revenue type. The customer posts the negative Customer Invoice to this Revenue Type/GL Account, but must then enter a journal entry to move this amount to the Bad Debt expense account

  • Alicia Bustamante
  • Oct 21 2015
  • In Review
  • Attach files
  • CJ Forgus commented
    January 24, 2020 12:11

    I do a monthly accrual to an AR Account "Reserve for Doubtful Accounts".

    Then I do Bad Debt Charge Offs at the end of the year.   

    I do a Customer Receipt, "paying" the Customer Invoice using a Bank Clearing Account.  When they are all done, I have to create a Journal Entry to move the balance to my Reserve for Doubtful Accounts.

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    June 08, 2016 11:40

    I agree.  This is something I requested many years ago while using Management Suite.  It is a real waste of time to have to enter a credit memo and then do a journal entry.  I can't understand why something so many people need isn't done.  Not to mention, the enhancements seem be mainly for the estimating module.  I am not saying they aren't needed, but it sure would be nice to see more accounting enhancements made quicker.

  • Michael Lerner commented
    June 07, 2016 21:19

    Perfectly stated, JF

  • Jacqueline Fancher commented
    January 20, 2016 23:10

    I requested this change back in 2011 and still haven't seen it happen.  This is a fundamental accounting procedure and you should be able to credit a customer's account and have the offsetting debit go directly to Bad Debt Expense without having to do an additional journal entry.

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