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Add Split Screen Option

In many cases, I would like to review 2 tabs at the same time to compare the data. Instead of flipping back and forth from tab to tab, it would be nice to split the screen equally for the 2 tabs.

  • Dee Ramos
  • Nov 25 2015
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  • Matt Kiefer commented
    September 12, 2016 22:52

    To work around this issue, I log into PCMX twice and have it open on both screens.

    Having an additional PCMX open does not count against the number licenses you are using.  As long as you log in with both to user credentials, it only will only count as  using 1 license.

  • Christina Ayers commented
    April 01, 2016 12:44

    I agree with the split screen decision.  One example I have is when I pull a report for A/P and need to view  or print an invoice, I have to print out the report so I know what invoices I need to select.

  • Kara Silva commented
    March 31, 2016 13:50

    Another example - while preparing 1095-C's for printing I discovered that like W2's and 1099's the system doesn't pull current address from employee record (which will be my next suggestion).  I needed the split screen so I could pull s list & view on one monitor with the edit 1095 function on the other to confirm and edit adresses.  

  • Dee Ramos commented
    March 31, 2016 12:55

    Yes. Example: I am entering an new AP invoice and I want to confirm I use the same details/account as a past AP invoice. I flip back and forth from Enter Invoice and View Invoice and flip back and forth between the 5-6 tabs available under each. Also, I was also to catch an error with the cost and billing detail report by flipping back and forth between the report, and vendor invoice log. Another example, I need to credit a past AP invoice. Sorry all my examples are AP, but split screen throughout ProContractor would be nice. Thanks!

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    March 31, 2016 12:53

    One example would be when you are entering Prevailing Wage iinformation and you want to see how you set up a previous job. This would be venefitical in just about every aspect of PCMX where you have previously set up information and want to compare an older screen compared to setting up the new information. IE. Fringe Benefits, Certain Payroll Deductions, etc.

    Gayle A. Brinkley

    Gastonia Plumbing & Heating Co. Inc.
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  • Deleted User commented
    March 31, 2016 12:47

    Could you provide some examples of where you would find this most beneficial?  This will give us some examples of where to target or expectations.  Thank you.

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