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We should move from record to record using the keyboard as well as the mouse

We desperately need record buttons and keyboard commands to allow moving from record to record.

I am working with 600 active vendors and I have to save the vendor record and then click on "new" and then select another vendor. 

This takes too much time!

If we had a record selection button to move from the prior or next record for jobs, vendors, clients, employees, billing, etc. and hve the associated keyboard command, it would make working with large data sets much much easier. 

All the other accounting programs have this! We need it too!!!!

  • Jim Saad
  • Apr 8 2016
  • In Review
  • Attach files
  • Alfredo Balma commented
    March 08, 2018 17:43

    Data entry needs these buttons but more than these, we need a bulk-entry interface to be able to massively enter data, like in viewpoint.  This day and age you need to be able to enter data quickly.  Surely, it opens you to mistakes, but if you want, you should be able to choose.

    Thank you!

  • Alene Creager commented
    June 15, 2016 23:20

    Yes--agreed!  In American Contractor the "Previous" and "Next" buttons were extremely time-saving when editing records. 

  • Linda Sterrett commented
    May 11, 2016 18:46


  • Linda Sterrett commented
    May 11, 2016 18:45

    Jim,  you should be able to hit Alt+S to Save the date and have it go to the screen where you can enter the next vendor.  It doesn't move to the next vendor, but it does at least get you back a screen.

  • Michele Mulkey commented
    April 21, 2016 16:30

    FOR SURE>  This will speed up data entry for everyone!

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