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Views need to remember column widths.

In addition to column positions and sort order, Views should remember column widths. This would make viewing and printing much easier.

  • Bob Arnett
  • Aug 13 2015
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  • Bob Arnett commented
    November 30, 2015 19:04

    Rather than duplicate examples of the various View grids with non-sticky column widths, I will just affirm what Ms Martinez and Mr Maldonado report in that I cannot find one View that saves them properly.


    Bob Arnett



  • Linda Guinn commented
    November 30, 2015 19:02

    We are using Procontractor Estimating –
    When you change the column width on the Summary, Estimate & Catalog Tab, then close/open the program. Your column widths are not saved.
    However, if you save the “column view” on these Tabs, the column width is saved.

    We have tried creating a “View” for each of these tabs for our company and really don’t want PM’s to be able to modify the standard view. The PM’s all have different ideas as to what they want to view, by changing column widths and deleting columns. I suppose the answer is to allow them each to have their own “view” for each tab, but I don’t think you can give PMs access to their view only?

  • Deb Martinez commented
    November 30, 2015 15:30

    Column widths not saved in: View Vendor Invoice Log, View Financial Activity, View Project Setups, View Subcontract Log, View Purchase Order Log, View Project Document Logs. If you save column widths for a certain saved grid, then stay on that screen and go to another saved grid (or the default grid), then go back to the original saved grid, the columns widths are fine. But if you leave that screen and open it again, the column widths are not saved. Also, this seems to only be a problem when trying to make columns narrower - the ones I make wider seem to save OK.

    Deb Martinez | Business Analyst

    Chief Industries, Inc. | | 308.389.7331

  • Dave Maldonado commented
    November 25, 2015 14:34

    Cynthia, the column width lack of recall issue extends to various locations and even some pop up windows. I have attached some examples. Since I am currently working on the administrator side, one inconvenience is the column separator between the catalog and column views; the system will not remember where I last placed it and I am forced to realign it every day or every time I restart. Another one is the Explorer, it always starts with the column separator all the way to the left and will not recall the last position when the window is closed and reopened, so we always have to move it every time it is opened... Another issue I run into on a regular basis is the pop up window for ASM Component Item Lists, it always opens full screen even though the list only takes up one third the width of the pop up and no matter how many times it is resized the system will not recall the size and open it full screen every time... Feel free to contact me directly for any more information or even a Webex to demonstrate the issues. Thank you!

  • Deleted User commented
    November 24, 2015 18:56

    I am not seeing this scenario in all places.  Could some of the individuals who voted for this idea provide some of the Views where you are experiencing column widths are not being saved.  Thank you.

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