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Subcontract - Certified Payroll Tracking

We need to be able to track Certified Payroll from Lower Tier Subcontractors.  If Certified Payroll has not been received, we need to place a compliance hold on the Subcontractor and not release payment.  Currently there isn't a way to link this to the Vendor Payments.

There should be an additional tab, or in compliance, an area for tracking the dates that we receive the subcontractors CPR's.

For example: 
Check Box: Certified Payroll Site
Compliance Through Date: [Date] - this is the date through that CPR has been received and verified.
Final Received: Check Box and Date - The Final Check box overrides the Through Date.

This is included when as a compliance issue when entering an invoice, paying an invoice, and on the AP Report.

  • Matt Kiefer
  • Nov 21 2016
  • In Review
Company BEI Construction, Inc.
Job Title / Role Accounting Manager
I need it... 6 months
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    • Jennifer Hansford commented
      August 26, 2018 17:53

      This is a pretty important issue that we need a solution for as soon as possible.  Any update on this?  It's been almost a year since the last comment was posted.

    • Troy Dalke commented
      August 04, 2017 23:07

      Here is my idea and thought as well. Similar to above but what I would do is to have add a compliance to subcontracts.

      Have on the general tab a check box if the subcontract is to compliance items, it would enable the compliance tab. Similar to the way the compliance tab enabling function is set up in the vendor record if the vendor is checked with “Can Be Subcontracted”

      I would then change the compliance layout and function. Have that you can add lines. Each line would have an item and a description, then a drop down that would have “payment hold for this item” “payment hold for this item for dates through” and have a start and stop date. Than have, a released check box or drop down that will require a date to be entered.


      Item 1                 Subcontract returned and signed  “payment hold for this item”

                                    System would not allow any payment until this hold was released

      Item 2                 California DAS 140                                “payment hold for this item”

                                    System would not allow any payment until this hold was released

      Item 3                 California DAS 142                                “payment hold for this item”

                                    System would not allow any payment until this hold was released

      Item 4                 Certified Payroll week 1                     “payment hold for this item for dates through”

                                    Enter start and stop date, for example you could put 07/01/2017 to 07/31/17 if the first week certified payroll let’s say was for workers that were listed on your daily as July 13 & 14. This item can be added from a daily than when certified payroll has been received and signed off for that week you would than mark the item as released. If AP was going to pay an invoice dated in July or later the system would not allow it for payment until this was released.

      Just my thoughts on a way to log and track CPR for subcontractors through their subcontract.

    • Gayle Brinkley commented
      December 02, 2016 14:58

      Great idea Matt. I agree.  I also need to be able to ensure that I am getting second tier ceritified payroll reports for our subcontractors. 

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