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T&M , Time & Material, Project Connect, PM

We are a subcontractor and we end up with Contracts, CO's & T&M on a project.

The Ticket tracking is not as fluid as it needs to be thru out PC:

1. Project Connect does not show what tickets are on a project. ( Outstanding, Paid )  

2. Project Connect does do not affect your over all contract amount either. 

3. To change on the contract amount you basically have to enter as a COR, CO or AIA

4. If you do a COR you have to void the T&M and tracking of the info cause you cant have double billings.

5. Project Reports exclude anything to do with Tickets. 

I would like to commend the "Management Report and its new drill down feature" and state that this is the only report I know of that I can get the over all report that I'm referring to as an over view. Although I can not "drill down" into the T&M tickets. 

I know that I can look at Binder items and open receivable tab and be able to find it there. 

I also know there is a T&M Report that allows you to quickly see all T&M open/closed. ( This report is useful however has major limitations like all of the reports that are similar to this style of report - do not have overall totals at bottom ect. )

My point: I would like to see the same information that is displayed in the management report showing the T&M Amount applied to Project Connect as T&M ( with drill down added ) . maybe even a Total Potential Contract/ Billings and if the customer issues us a CO for a T&M ticket. 

We should also have the functionality to select 2+ T&M's we should be able to apply that to a n inbound CO ( Or CMR for that matter ) selecting the Tickets that apply ( maybe discount option if they change the amounts ). This should not change the fact that they "Were" T&M to start with in PC. That way when I look back over the year and want to know how much in T&M we did for a customer or the year, we can get an accurate figure. 

Part 2- Tickets are assigned to a "project" we should be able to include tickets "Paid/ Unpaid" in the reports feature as well. While some projects show losses, these reports can be inaccurate if Ticket -Invoices were paid, but because they are not official CO's they are not reflected. 

  • Vaughn Dobbins
  • Jun 13 2017
  • In Review
Company CCSI
Job Title / Role VP-Owner
I need it... 12 months
  • Attach files

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