Submit Your Suggestions For ProContractor

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Set Exclusive/Recalc on the Estimating Tab - there are way too many steps in re-calculating the Estimate. If you have more than one person working in the Estimate, you have to click 5 times to Set Exclusive, Re-Calc, then Remove Set Exclusive. Why can't the Calculations happen automatically upon entry? With standard PC's coming with so much memory and computing power, it seems like this could be done. I would say that the Allocations would require action, but not the calculation of financial items such as Labor Burden and Sales Tax.

  • Linda Guinn
  • Aug 14 2015
  • Likely but not yet planned
  • Attach files
  • David Lombardi commented
    May 16, 2019 02:16

    I'm learning that most functions take the long way around when there could surely be a quicker way to do things. Its a common problem with this software

  • Nick Davies commented
    March 06, 2016 17:18

    Agreed - It is very cumbersome if you are trying to print a proposal with unit price rounding out of the system! 

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