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Estimate Summary Lock Prices by WBS Code

As a heavy civil contractor you've been working hard on an estimate.  You are ready to get it out the door.  You recalc, resort by WBS code, copy your quantities, go to the summary page, select your bid item wbs code to summarize your estimate, paste the quantities in the 100 plus line item bid.  Spend time figuring out what you coded wrong and why the quantities do not match up by WBS code to the estimate tab, go back to the estimate tab, find the item you messed the code up on, recalc, go back to the summary page and paste your quantities, review the items, make a bid day, go thru the hassle of rounding the 100 plus items (see suggestion for Estimate Summary Rounding Precision), click apply changes, sit there for fifteen minutes while the system thinks, now you have a few dollars or cents that say unallocated, go outside and kick something yell a few obscenities, come back inside go back to the estimate tab and recalc, go back to the summary page, re round everything and click apply changes, sit there for 15 minutes, and hallelujah you have a bid.  You go to the report to print the proposal.  As you go thru it you discover there is one price or item that doesn't look right to you, so you repeat the steps above.  After all this you've aged five years and ripped half your hair out.  You finally get the proposal out the door.  Customer calls you and says it looks good but they want you to eliminate one line item and make some changes to one other item in your bid.  You spend and hour and a half repeating the process above, but this time you have to go back thru and match the unit prices on the other 99 items in the bid to what you already sent the customer yesterday.  If you don't you have to have a lengthy conversation with them on why the unit prices on all your items changed from the day before even though you only altered two items.  By this time you've ripped out the remaining hair you have and broken your toe from kicking things.  At this point you say the heck with it and start dumping everything into excel.  This creates another problem when you win a job because nothing matches in the system when you try to make your project work sheet.  So need to be able to lock the prices of individual WBS Line Items.  For example, once you've rounded your line item for 08" SDR 35 PVC Sewer Line to $35.20 per LF, you need to be able to lock this price so when you make a couple of changes it doesn't change all 100 items in your bid summary.

  • Nick Davies
  • Mar 6 2016
  • In Review
  • Attach files
  • Wilfredo Villanueva commented
    May 09, 2019 18:47

    I have the same problem, estimate is accepted, but customer wanted to updates the ORIGINAL QUOTE!

    so than I add a $10,000 trim package items and now the entire estimates items change, such windows and doors, concrete, roof  siding and customers ask, what happens??? I only told you to update one part of the estimate original not to create alternate/change order! Update original!

    i have no answer!

    what i have  done in some cases is to covert an item into financial and to not to accept any allocation, but this not supported be done like that!


    In construction everything everything begins in estimating right!


    guys if you agree with Nick and I  let’s keep this moving PCMX have to something about this!




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