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A better way to create job reports instead of modifying what is already in the program.

There needs to be a way to create reports. Most of the job reports do not work well when imported to excel.  It would be better to create a report instead of modifying one that is already there.  Each company's information needs are different. We couldn't get the information we needed so we got a quote for a custom report and it was way to expensive. 

  • Connie Mullen
  • Jun 5 2018
  • In Review
Company Pinson's Inc.
Job Title / Role Office Manager
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    August 24, 2018 20:01

    I will again state the job cost reports in this software are the worst.  I had to run a cost detail report for a job and only printed labor and burden, so the project manager could give the contractor specific information such as regular hours vs overtime.  The reports need to print in a manner that puts the  data in columns so that IF you have to export to excel you aren't cutting and pasting data everywhere.  Things like regular hours, overtime hours, double time hours and burden should be in columns not lines one under another.  THIS IS JUST ONE MORE EXAMPLE OF VIEWPOINT NOT LISTENING TO US.

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    July 05, 2018 17:13

    Michael,  Saw your response and again I will re-state that Viewpoint is missing the point.  People DO NOT want to have to export data into excel.  The purpose of accounting software is to make life easier and exporting data isn't the answer.  THIS IS WHAT IS SO FRUSTRATING TO ALL OF US USERS.  VIEWPOINT DOESN'T LISTEN.  We need to be able to generate the reports within the software.  Most of us feel that Viewpoints only concern is with selling the software and not making it better.  If you read the reviews in Capterra where users are giving negative responses you would know that users are not happy with lack of reports, poorly written reports.  You need to look at the reports that were available in Management Suite and American Contractor and make them available in PCMX.  I am so sorry we ever purchased this software. 

    If Viewpoint isn't going to make a concerted effort to make changes we need in a timely fashion, then you need to be upfront about it.  Waiting 1 - 2 years for enhancements isn't the answer.

  • Deleted User commented
    July 05, 2018 16:17

    I appreciate the  constructive feedback. We are looking at a variety of options, one of which is technology that would allow for simple live data function in Excel to pull the data from PC and then allow you to format as needed in Excel. 

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    June 29, 2018 15:36

    Connie, I agree 100%.  I addition there are some reports that it would be nice to run with only grand totals, such as the project status repot.  I only need to see Conract Amounts, Contract Amount Billed, T & M Invoices Billed and grand totals of the costs posted to the job.  It would be nice to have this report the way it was i Management Suite.  We use this report at year end for many things and it is crazy to have to print pages of reports that you don't need.  This is most frustrating.

  • Connie Mullen commented
    June 27, 2018 13:22

    I agree that you should not have to import reports to EXCEL to get what you need. We have been using ProContractor for a little over a year. We were former Maxwell management Suite users. The report capabilities in Maxwell were a whole lot better than ProContractor. When I had our year end audit I could not get the job information I needed without a very time consuming import to EXCEL. All I can say is we regret the change because of the reporting! There needs to be a better more user friendly way of getting the information we need.

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    June 27, 2018 11:27

    Sorry I hit the enter key to soon,  VIEWPOINT DOESN'T SEEM TO WANT TO GIVE US WHAT WE NEED.  IF THE PROGRAMMERS YOU HAVE IN YOUR WORKING FOR VIEWPOINT, THEN MAYBE YOU NEED TO HIRE PROGRAMMERS THAT WILL!!!!!m  We have bee using this software sicne 2015 and so far the improvements have been very few and far between.  As i told you o on the phone, you and management need to go on line to Capterra and read the review.  Yes, there are some that are good but the majority repeat what we have been saying.  Viewpoint needs to move to the current times and improve the software.

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    June 27, 2018 11:23

    Michael with due respect, you are missing the point.  Users DO NOT want to have to export to excel.  The purpose of the software should be to be able to generate and print reports they need without having to use additional software to get what they want.  This is the most disappointing aspect of the software.  LACK OF EASE IN CREATING WHAT WE NEED.  It seems very apparent to me and other users that VIEWPOINT

  • Deleted User commented
    June 26, 2018 21:07

    We are looking at a variety of capabilities. What if there were some built in functions in Excel in which the data from the Projects could come over automatically and then you could easily manipulate in Excel?

  • Connie Mullen commented
    June 14, 2018 18:27

    This is also our biggest complaint about ProContractor.  My boss is so frustrated that he can't get the information he needs that he is contemplating  looking for another software. Management Suites was a lot better with reporting.

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    June 14, 2018 17:54

    I agree.  There is no way to easily modify reports and the cost to have them written is to expensive, not to mention if an upgrade changes things, it is possible the report would have to be re-written at yet another additional cost.  VIEWPOINT needs to give us options to create our own report thru some other software such as Crystal Reports.  At least in Management Suite you could design reports that gave you the information you need in a format that was how you wanted it.  This is probably my biggest complaint about this software.  We were promised it was way better than Management Suite and it isn't.

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