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PC Mobile- DFR

PC Mobile Needs to follow the DFR from the desktop application.  My guys need to be able to enter all information to the DFR from the mobile app as if they had the desktop version.  I have no idea why this has taken over two years to implement!  I would have NEVER gotten this product had I know this before hand....  Oh yeah, I needed this 2 years ago, but that doesn't matter to you guys-  don't even know why you ask for it below.  

  • Ronnie Frutchey
  • Dec 10 2018
  • In Review
Company Charles Blanchard Construction Corp
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Mark Teplitsky commented
    March 14, 2019 01:48

    Yes, I completely agree.  The current process requires validation of the DFR from the desktop app in order to review and make changes.  I do not see the sense in this.  The DFR is a field activity that should be fully operational via PC Mobile.

  • Lisa Ertman commented
    March 13, 2019 17:04

    In our case the foreman in the field want to see the total hours for an employee each week before payroll is processed. Right now they are unable to do that b/c they do not have desktop access and are in the field. Mistakes could be caught this way instead of after payroll is posted and pay stubs have been emailed. Thanks

  • Mark Teplitsky commented
    February 25, 2019 20:50

    This is definitely a weak part of the DFR's.  We may not have purchased the software had we known the limitations with DFR's.

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