Lets say my printer jammed or all of sudden had a glitch and stopped printing checks and my computer froze (this just happened). There should be a way to select the checks that you need reprinted and with a new check number sequence. So maybe if you click on Forms Printed Correctly and where is says "yes" or "no" when you select NO it will give you check boxes for you to select which checks didn't print correctly and allow you to reprint them. American Contractor got it right when it came to this ability, look at if you need to reference how to do this.
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Re-print of AP Vendor checks is planned for the Spring, 2017 release.
You're welcome. An odd thing, however, is that this suggestion has not been reclassified as "Planned". Hmmmm... makes me wonder... are they really working on this?
Thanks Bob for the update! I'm just glad it's coming!
Some good news some not-so-much. I was contacted by development and they gave me on online peek at their ideas concerning their solution to this issue. It looked pretty darn good to me. It also had the option to just change check numbers on the checks in a batch, an idea that another user had suggested and I thought was a very usable option. The downside is that currently their target for this feature is early 2017.
American Constractorr, Sage 100 Contractor, and Foundation Software all have this feature. You print your checks and then can tell the system what checks need printing again. You can tell it one check, a range of checks, or checks out of sequence. It is a very useful option and we desperately need it in PC!
Agree...Absolutely needed!! This is so important and a huge waste of check stock when printer problems happen on large check runs. Please fix this issue. I am missing many of the things American Contractor did and this is a big one.
I can't believe this is still pending since November of 2015.....this item is a MUST HAVE! Among a few others that I am disappointed that didn't get incorporated from American Contractor!
My two cents, Absolutely Needed! This is a "needed it yesterday, come on already" item.
Absolutely needed!!!!
Absolutely needed! I wish PC had already implemented this request!
This feature is extremely important. Especially for large check runs.
Happens frequently.