Submit Your Suggestions For ProContractor

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Improve All Report by adding drill down features

We're still in the training phase. I'm shocked that none of the reports have a drill down feature, they're all static reports. I've seen other postings requesting drill down features on certain areas. I believe there should be a drill down feature on all reports to drill into the transactions.  I can't begin to image how much time is going to be wasted on running other reports to get to the information that is needed. 


Is this a feature that will be implementing soon, if so how soon?


(I had to choose a category, but again I think this features needs to be available on all reports)

  • Corine Sanchez
  • Apr 4 2016
  • Shipped
  • Nov 22, 2016

    Admin response

    Drill down for financial statements - balance sheet and income statement is being looked at for inclusion in the Spring, 2017 release.  This includes the Balance Sheet, Income Statements and possibly Trial Balance.  Drill down will go to the transactional level, with an additional level to view the original journal GL distribution (for the entire debit/credit amount).

  • Attach files
  • Justin Weidner commented
    October 29, 2018 16:22

    You just went live? Should we tell him….

  • Joshua Martin commented
    October 26, 2018 22:28

    We just went live with Procontractor this month and I am shocked at the lack of the ability of the drill down features.  There is limited drill down features for the Balance Sheet and Income Statement and the cost detail report, but in my opinion all the reports should be drill down reports, and drill down all the way to the source document if applicable. Also it would be nice to have interactive reports that can be expanded or summarized with the click of a button from the report similar to Quickbooks and other programs I have used in the past. 

  • Dick Hunt commented
    October 18, 2018 15:05

    Drill down to the original document to change errors would be the best.  QB and other software allow you to go directly to the original document or entry without having to go to a different source to make the change.  Any chance that will ever happen?


    Thanks. G. Hunt

  • Jamie Lenhart commented
    May 02, 2017 19:27

    and keep the drill down menu's in IMPORT for Payroll!!

  • Jim Saad commented
    November 22, 2016 20:14

    Good to know. Please include the option to print ANY ledger or financial report by DATE RANGE!

    Currently, we do not have range options. Need them ASAP!

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    November 10, 2016 16:38

    Corine,  you are correct this is vitally important.  We were told it was available when we purchased the software, but  obviously we were not told the truth.  This has been posted several times, but I will continue to vote and make my comments until hopefully they do something.

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    July 19, 2016 17:27

    Chris, you are correct  There is a lot of stuff we were told we would be able to do but can't.  One of the best features of Management Suite was the ability to drill down on jobs we see specific detail.  I can't understand why something so vitally important to both accountants and project managers was left off.  We were also told you would be able to drill down and see detail, but obviously you can't.  

  • Chris Coen commented
    July 19, 2016 02:47

    Prior to purchasing Procontractor I asked specifically during our demo if higher level cost reports could drill down to item line detail. Our sales guy told me yes, which was a blatant lie. Development could do wonders for redeeming viewpoint in my eyes by righting that wrong and making this happen! 

  • Stephanie Neveu commented
    July 12, 2016 14:36

    THIS IS A MUST!!!! we need to ability to drill down on KEY areas (vendors, customers, projects, employees) to see the detail in the format it was originally submitted in.  

  • Sandi McClure commented
    April 25, 2016 15:24

    Yes, we were told this as well last year when we were planning the migration from A/C, still waiting on the update that includes this feature.....

  • Corine Sanchez commented
    April 25, 2016 14:37

    Gary, sadly as you can see I have gotten no response to my question above.  During the webinar we were shown some reports with drill down, however those reports are useless to me.

  • Gary Ardis commented
    April 25, 2016 14:27

    When we were considering upgrading to ProContractor for our accounting, we were told that the drill down feature was in development.  I sincerely hope they were not telling us that just to get us to sign.  Drill down will make a huge difference for all  accounting users. 

  • Jim Saad commented
    April 08, 2016 22:26

    This feature has already been requested but I voted for yours anyway. It is vital to the end-user to that this!

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