This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit PCA-I-59 Move user created fields onto a separate tab and not have it on the binder tab..
As we add user-defined fields, they are mostly related to specific windows within a task group such as Vendors, Employees, Projects, etc.
If I need to add a UDF, I would like it to should up in a specific section instead of just the Binder section.
Currently, if I add fields for Driver License Exp Date, Automobile Expiration Date, notes for deductions, etc, I have to click the Binder and then the User-Defined tab to get to them. This is way too time-consuming.
Please allow us to place the user-defined fields where they will be most efficiently used!
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It would be good if we could have a separate tab for the user defined fields or if we can add them to an existing tab. I would like to be able to hide fields I do not use and show the ones we use most on a single tab or two.
I find it extremely frustrating that things you could do in MMS you cant to is PC. Let's hope they start turning our my enhancements quicker.
We have had a good number of votes for this request since 4/8/16.
It's this kind of design issue that is frustrating for many of us. Viewpoint really needs to address the very basic day-to-day functions of the software to make it much more user-friendly and efficient
If is hard to understand how many of these kinds of design issues have made it this far in the life of PC.
So it is important that we voice our concerns and hope for this best. I just hope it does not take too long for PC to see that these are real issues and that should be addressed ASAP.
We;; said Jim. I requested this in Management Suite. but it was never done. No they did it here, but when on the ibinders tab. Stuppid choice of location. It would be much simpler to have an additional tab or user defined fields.