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Print Sent Unconditional Lien Waivers with Check or Manual Payment Batch

This would be extremely useful to streamline the AP process  if the unconditional sent waiver could also populate with the checks and stubs at the same time. I am hoping this could be as easy as adding a "create PDF for print" within the lien management tab when selecting invoices for payment.  I hope this can allow for waivers to automatically generate in the print section in conjunction with Checks, Stubs and by adding another tab labeled "Lien Waivers". This way you can print it all at one time instead of having to go back and individually print these documents that were ultimately created from this payment process. Allowing this function would also help in our accounting teams efficiency/ time saver for our checks and balances process. Currently we have one person create the payment batch, then another person who reviews and prints the batch. Then these printed checks have to go back to the payment batch creator to  go back in and pull waivers to then notify our subs that their payment is ready. When printing large subcontractor check batches this could save almost 1 hour out of this process by adding this function. I hope you all agree too! PLEASE VOTE YES!! THANK YOU :)

  • Jenny Lewis
  • Feb 28 2017
  • In Review
Company Dowdy Plumbing Corp
Job Title / Role CFO
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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    • Cristal Jones commented
      October 11, 2019 17:47

      I use the view vendor lien document logs>view vendor lien releases and filter on the "Document Release Sent Date".   Once all the releases for the check run are displayed in the log, you can use the select check box in the header to to check all items at once and then click the Open PDF button at the bottom.  All PDFs open at once.  You could also select the print button and have all print together, but I like to review them to make sure the right ones were created before printing.  

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