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Terminated employee's W-2 reflects old address even though new address changed in employee record

I had a terminated employee call with a current address to send his W-2.  The address was changed in his record but the W-2 still printed his old address.  This is outrageous that we change it and it still shows the current address, but somehow it holds the old address somewhere and prints it.  This will benefit every terminated employee who has a delay in receiving their W-2 while it goes through the mail system to be mailed back "return to sender" (if they are lucky).  I was told that you "just had to change it on the W-2".  This was after it was printed.  I was lucky that I caught it in time because I knew he had moved to another state.

  • Jill Monti
  • Jan 17 2019
  • In Review
Company Monti Electric, Inc.
Job Title / Role Vice President
I need it... 12 months
  • Attach files
  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    March 13, 2019 19:51

    Just another example for poor programming.  I couldn't agree more, it is a real time waster to have go to the Edit W2 to change and address. 

  • Liz Franca commented
    January 31, 2019 17:17

    I was also frustrated that the updated addresses were not printed on the W-2's.  The W-2 information should be pulled from the employee record.  I cannot believe that this would be difficult. 

  • Cheryl Falgoust commented
    January 22, 2019 15:41

    This is really ridiculous. I do not remember who came in or called during the year to update their address. OPf course these employees are going to be upset that they didn't receive their forms on time. I am going to have to do a print out of all terminated employees and match up the addresses on their record to what prints on w-2. another inconvenience. GEEZ

  • Cheryl Falgoust commented
    January 22, 2019 15:29

    well, MIchael, it needs to pull from record. by the time w-2 prints, I have changed addresses on several employees. can't go back and edit each one jus to print w-2. If you want to improve it, have it pull from emoloyee record. Simple.

  • Deleted User commented
    January 17, 2019 17:06


    Wanted to provide some insight as to what the system is doing. When printing W-2, it is pulling the address from the the Edit W-2 area and not the employee record. The Edit W-2 feature allows for the editing of the information for the W-2 including address. 

    We are looking at ways to improve this moving forward.


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