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Certified Payroll Statement of Non-Performance reports should be able to cover more than one week, with the added ability to choose report numbers instead of week numbers.

Many of us subcontractors are only on prevailing wage jobs sporadically and have been allowed to submit one Non-Performance Report covering multiple weeks.  On some federal projects, I have even been instructed to submit only one Non-Performance report AND to number my reports by report number instead of week number ... OR ... skip the Non-Performance report entirely and make notes of the non-performance period on the certified payroll report, numbering all CPRs by report number instead of week number. 

  • Judy Cox
  • Mar 25 2016
  • In Review
  • Attach files
  • Gillian Brown commented
    November 01, 2019 16:51

    YES! We have some project that get put on HOLD for a period of time and they don't want Reports during that period. They want them to pick back up where they left off, so a Hold Button or date range would be nice! 

  • Judy Cox commented
    August 23, 2018 23:26

    Why don’t the certified payroll reports separate the double-time?!


  • Judy Cox commented
    August 23, 2018 18:02

    I agree that the Non-Performance report should include more project information. As for the numbering and capability to cover multiple weeks, I was shown a way around that, although it requires some extra steps. Save a PDF copy of the first week you need and then you can edit it. When I’m in a hurry, I just edit by hand on the printed copy that I’m signing to send. There’s no law (that I know of) that won’t accept hand written notes and changes.


  • Arlette Ervin commented
    August 23, 2018 17:40

    The statement of non-performance should indicate the "federal project/contract no." and "project and location" as indicated on header of WH347.  The project info indicated within the body is contractor's assigned number and project label.

  • Deleted User commented
    November 22, 2016 15:43

    The normal requirements that I have seen published require a report (Certified or Non-Performance to be filed weekly and that the Payroll No represents how many weeks you have been performing work on the project and numbered sequentially, starting with the first payroll you were on the project.  

    If you are seeing other federal requirements posted, please attach to this suggestion so I can review.  At the moment, we will not look to change how the Payroll number is determined.

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