It would be nice to have the format combined so you can see all transactions on one screen, instead of having to flip between tabs. Also, to see if you have balanced to bank statement/GL on one screen, instead of flipping between the two tabs. Maybe review how American Contractor processes a bank recon. It was pretty simple.... just saying.
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I would like to see a refresh tab, so it is not necessary to go out and then back in for it to update information on new entries. I would also like to see Deposit posted on the Deposit tab and not mixed up on the Adjustment tab.
Ellen R. Hardin
10932 Tuxford Street
Sun Valley, CA 91352-2625
Ofc.: (818)767-0115 ext. 108
Fax: (818) 394-2009
Hours - (Monday ��� Thursday 6am ��� 3pm)
P Think Green! Before printing this e-mail ask the question, is it necessary?
Add the ability to highlight a few items and see a total of those highlighted items. This would be useful when trying to back into lump sum item on the bank statement.
It would also be beneficial to be able to "refresh/reload" the rec while you are working in it to allow for any changes that may have occurred.
It is very time consuming to add up all the direct deposit entries to see if it matched the one line item on the bank statement. Same with deposits.
Maybe add a second checkbox to each entry called "test" and a "running total" box to display the total amount of all items with the test box checked. We could then check off a few items and see if the total matched the bank statement.
What's time consuming is having to exit the Bank Rec to record fees. With all the other tabs, it doesn't seem like an outrageous request.
I also think if they are going to keep the format as it is, have a separate format for all electronic payments. It is a real pain to find them all. Yes you can sort by the vendor and the item number, but it is time consuming to have to keep sorting fields in order to find what you want to mark as cleared.
The entire reconciliation process is time consuming and way more complicated than it should be.
I also agree about the payroll checks showing a lump sum. It might be that when you start a new payroll cycle there is an box that you check if this is an Direct Deposit. That way if you run a manual check run ( for a bonus check or something like that) it wouldn't total those, but would all others.
I would like deposit totals listed as totals instead of individual customer checks on the 'Deposits' screen. And of course total the direct deposit items from payroll as well.
In Maxwell the Direct Deposit items were not treated as checks. I would like it if ProContractor would treat them as my Bank Statement does i.e. one lump sum for the aggregate of all the direct deposit items in a single upload; on bank statement it is in the same section as the EFTPS items. This way I could get a Check Cleared Total that matches the bank
I would like to be able to print the report before accepting the reconciliation. I could do this in AC and it helped when I was out of balance and trying to troubleshoot. I second the suggestion of looking at how AC did it; although I wasn't fond of the little figure that danced when I was in balance, I always knew where I was as I progressed through the reconciliation.
I agree, It is time consuming to flip back and forth between the tabs, especially when you had to enter other cash receipts as a journal entry.
I would also, like to see the report print in a better manner. Have all outstanding items print together, possibly have the report subtotal outstanding checks, etc,, but a grand total of all outstanding amounts as 1 grand total.