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a report to track payroll by city job located in

we must have city licenses for every place we do construction and most of these "taxes" are calculated by payroll we've spent in their city

  • Amy Holler
  • Apr 10 2017
  • In Review
Company Doyle's Work Company, Inc.
Job Title / Role Office Manager
I need it... 1 month
  • Attach files
  • Michael Lerner commented
    October 18, 2018 12:42

    I don't need zip code.  But I would think anyone who does can set that location up as a specific work location.

  • Michael Lerner commented
    October 18, 2018 12:40

    Michael Lewis -

    Have you been hacked?

  • Michael Lerner commented
    October 11, 2018 19:19

    Detail of each paycheck for each employee with date of check, gross pay, and a breakdown of gross pay between straight-time, overtime and doubletime.  Also the hours worked for straight-time, overtime and doubletime.  Also applicable weekly withholding for the jurisdiction in question.

  • Deleted User commented
    October 11, 2018 17:44

    Michael, what information is needed on the detail portion? Employee information? 

  • Michael Lerner commented
    October 11, 2018 17:35

    What I am looking for is a report that tracks payroll by state/local payroll tax jurisdiction with options for a detailed or summary version in order to report amounts that can be for any designated period of time.  For example, an insurance audit not based on a calendar year.  It would also be ok to do the report by work location, as long as the detail described above could still be obtained.  Also, gross payroll alone is not enough information.  We would need the breakdown of straight-time, overtime and doubletime.

  • Amy Holler commented
    October 11, 2018 16:19

    It would need to group all projects by city, and then by zip code.  Just gross payroll amounts is what we need

  • Deleted User commented
    October 10, 2018 15:51

    Thinking through this report, is it grouping all the project work by Work Location (from the project) and then showing all the payroll information? Or is it truly by the project Zip code? What level of detail is needed - summary of all the hours, total pay? Employee detail? Other information needed?

  • Jamie Lenhart commented
    October 10, 2018 11:35

    This report would be great for us too!

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