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Edit PO's and Subcontracts even if vendor invoices are pending

We need to be able to edit purchase orders and subcontracts even if there is a pending vendor invoice.  Currently, the project managers have to wait for our AP group to finish posting the invoice before they can add lines, change amounts, etc on the PO or sub.  That can take a few days, depending on work load and when the invoice is due.  This is not ideal.  I'm afraid something is going to be missed on a PO or sub because the project manager may forget about making the change. 

  • Deb Martinez
  • Sep 21 2015
  • Likely but not yet planned
  • Attach files
  • Jordan Davidson commented
    April 21, 2021 19:28

    Nearly 6 years old. We all agree that a pending invoice should not hold up a PO or Subcontract being changed. Offer a warning? Sure. It's very frustrating on both the accounting side and the project management side to have to delete and re-enter an invoice because of a PO or Subcontract adjustment. Let's get this fixed. In September 2018, it sounded as though a fix was on it's way. In April 2021, still no update.

  • Mel Wright commented
    March 14, 2019 18:41

    Please change my contact information in your system to:

    Thank you,
    Mel Wright
    Eagle Mechanical, LLC

  • Mel Wright commented
    March 14, 2019 18:33

    Please change my contact information in your system to:

    Thank you,
    Mel Wright
    Eagle Mechanical, LLC

  • Mel Wright commented
    March 14, 2019 18:08

    Please change my contact information in your system to:

    Thank you,
    Mel Wright
    Eagle Mechanical, LLC

  • Mel Wright commented
    March 14, 2019 17:39

    Please change my contact information in your system to:

    Thank you,
    Mel Wright
    Eagle Mechanical, LLC

  • Mel Wright commented
    March 14, 2019 16:45

    Please change my contact information in your system to:

    Thank you,
    Mel Wright
    Eagle Mechanical, LLC

  • Mel Wright commented
    March 14, 2019 16:09

    Please change my contact information in your system to:

    Thank you,
    Mel Wright
    Eagle Mechanical, LLC

  • Krystal Sund commented
    March 14, 2019 15:34

    Glad to hear this change will be coming!  I agree on all this - stops workflow and causes additional work for all involved.  A subcontract/PO should be able to be edited with a pending invoice and the coding on the subcontract/PO be updated when the invoice is re-opened to allow the coding to be corrected.

  • Deleted User commented
    September 27, 2018 21:43

    The team has reviewed and estimated this work. Not we are working to determine a release to put the work into. 

  • Krystofer Gardner commented
    September 27, 2018 15:21

    Michael, any update on this?

  • Jeff Koster commented
    September 21, 2018 14:16

    This is a longstanding problem for us as well - We would like to see the prohibition replaced with a warning that there are invoices in process on the subcontract in question and allow us to decide how to proceed.  Like many others have noted, we have both invoice and change order processing happening in that busy several days every month-end, often with different people responsible for the two pieces, and this issue can be a significant and frustrating efficency-drain in that tight processing window.  Need to be able to address both simultaneously without having to back-track, delete, and re-enter invoices, or making invoice approvers and posters drop what they're doing in order to review, approve, and post invoices so that others can then move forward with change order processing - and if there happens to be an invoice that isn't ready to be approved, or perhaps never will be approved, it grinds change-order processing to a halt.

  • Krystofer Gardner commented
    June 22, 2018 17:40

    In most cases I am far more concerned about the ability to remove the pay hold on the subcontract than I am about adjusting item lines. If we are adjusting the item lines through a subcontract change order, or adjusting the original contract, I would not expect it to alter the invoiced amounts, rather just give the individual approving the ability to now see the new item lines/adjustments so the invoice amount can be distributed there if needed. Again, the priority is not on making adjustments to the unapproved invoice, but on the ability to adjust the subcontract.


    Krystofer Gardner

  • Deleted User commented
    June 22, 2018 16:34

    A few questions about this:

    - Are you wanting to add new lines to the Change order or are you wanting to change the existing lines that have already been attached to an invoice/with proposed payments?

    - If changing existing lines attached ot an invoice/ how would you expect it to change the invoice(s)?

  • Jordan Davidson commented
    September 22, 2017 17:42

    Along with this is that you cannot remove a "Payment Hold" made on a contract if you have any pending invoices. In our case, we use the "Payment Hold" function to determine whether or not a contract has been received back signed.  If it hasn't been signed, then we don't pay the invoices.  The problem comes that if we put in an invoice against the subcontract and the Project Manager waits 3 weeks to approve the invoice, we can't remove the payment hold off the subcontract until the invoice has been posted.  Major issue.

  • Sandi McClure commented
    July 20, 2017 14:27


  • William Wright commented
    July 20, 2017 13:46

    Yes, this is a problem that must be fixed. This situation occurs at least 10 times per month, every month, for us. It causes way too much additional work.

    William D. Wright
    H. E. Wright & Co., Inc.
    P.O. Box 5428
    Texarkana , Texas 75505
    3123 W 7th Street
    Texarkana , Texas 75501
    Office: (903) 838-8502
    Fax: (903) 838-8504
    Cell: (903) 276-0240

  • Rich Kinney commented
    July 20, 2017 13:44

    I totally agree. What a waste of time, because you don't necessarily know until you try to save.

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    July 20, 2017 13:42

    I agree,  It is really inconvenient to have to stop, delete the invoice, adjust the po or subcontract and then reenter the invoice.  There are a lot of areas with this problem.  This should be a no brainer.  Things constantly change in the construction business and constantly having to stop and re-do things is a real waste of time.  I cointinue to be disappointed by the slow response in fixing things that should be common sense.  After all the years Management Suite and American Contractor have een around you would think they would know better.

  • Christina Ayers commented
    July 20, 2017 12:21

    I agree!  Also, if the part is shipped to a different county the sales tax will change.  It is a pain to have to create another PO to correct it! 

  • Krystofer Gardner commented
    July 19, 2017 19:46

    This has a big impact on workflow. Frequently we have invoices that are pending in the system for approval that are holding up a subcontract change order. Sometimes the PM doesn't want to approve the invoice until all the change orders are processed (especially when the invoice may be for a material deposit that would put the invoiced value over the contract value at current without the change order). In these cases, the invoices either have to be deleted out, project management has to be notified to process the change order, then AP has to re-input the invoice. All of this would be solved if the subcontract could be edited and/or a subcontract change order could be made even when the invoice is pending.

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