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Move Job Cost

In our old system that we used they had a Job Cost Module. You could go in there and pull up a job, select the cost according to that job, and then pick what job you wanted it moved to. This was extremely helpful if cost were charged to the wrong project as it would automatically go in there and do a journal entry for you and the reports remained clean when it was ran for that project.

  • Blake Thompson
  • Dec 7 2017
  • In Review
Company Acorn Electrical Specialists, Inc.
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    • Blake Thompson commented
      June 21, 2018 10:38

      Most of the time for us is the employees would be working at the same location and we would have multiple projects going on at that location so they would accidentally charge it to the wrong project. We even have had customers come back and tell us to bill two projects together as one. With this option it would allow us to combine job cost. In our previous software package it was a very smooth transition as all you had to do was pull up job cost, select the item, select which job, and then post it. This kept you from having just a journal entry as a line in job cost but rather a line that showed who the employee or vendor invoice was just like it would if you entered in from payroll or accounts payable.


      I know for vendor invoices as long as you haven't paid them you can still go in and adjust them to the correct project. If you have paid them its a matter of doing a journal entry but once you do that journal entry you can still go back to the actual vendor invoice and look at the distribution and it still shows it in the old project as the journal entry is not recorded in the vendor invoice section.

    • Deleted User commented
      June 20, 2018 23:02

      If that cost came from payroll; what about payroll being out of balance or the appropriate taxes, etc were not taken based on the new job?

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