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Add Start and Stop Dates to Financial Reports

We need to have the option to have a start and stop date on income statements. Currently you can only pull through period end. This does not give accurate comparison to previous year unless you pull at the end of the month only.

  • Kara Silva
  • Oct 26 2015
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  • Deleted User commented
    January 28, 2019 17:31


    The Start date was added to the income statements but not yet to the consolidated statements. Those posed a further complication with implementation.

  • Kara Silva commented
    January 28, 2019 16:28

    I guess I'm a little behind on my updates, but was this seriously implemented on the individual company income statements and not "consolidated statements"?

  • Dennis Tanner commented
    October 18, 2018 12:25

    Michael Lewis needs to chill

  • Kristie Comer commented
    October 18, 2018 12:22

    I think Michael Lewis was hacked. I've informed Viewpoint, don't open his attachments.

  • Kristie Comer commented
    October 18, 2018 12:21

    I think Michael Lewis was hacked. I've informed Viewpoint, don't open his attachments.

  • Stephanie Neveu commented
    June 14, 2018 03:11

    Sweet!!! While you are doing that can you incorporate the ability to run the report with divisions as columns versus rows.

    Sent from my iPhone

  • Deleted User commented
    June 13, 2018 23:02

    The next release is October.

  • Kara Silva commented
    June 13, 2018 22:06

    OMG.  So happy that this is in development after SO many mutual requests, but how long will we have to wait?  I'm still getting requests from our PM's and president multiple times a month.  

  • Deleted User commented
    June 13, 2018 21:59

    Start/Star sates are planned to be added to Income Statements in the Fall 2018 release.

  • James Taylor commented
    February 28, 2017 17:39

    ” This is an absolute no brainer. Can come up with a million reasons why you would need to adjust the start and stop date for income reports. Every standard accounting software has this option. “

    I echo this 100% Please make this update.


    James Monzello

    Office Manager

    Green Wall Tech, Inc.

    510-252-1170 P
    510-252-1706 F

  • Rachel Reyes commented
    February 28, 2017 14:38

    "Common Size" means all the lines are displayed as a percentage of a certain item, like Revenue or Total Assets.  It's usually used to compare and analyze more than one company.  Investment analysts use it.  I saw the term quite a bit while working on my accounting degrees, but honestly very little while actually working in accounting.

  • Sandi McClure commented
    February 28, 2017 00:10

    I totally agree with the need to have the ability to run reports for any timeframe we need.  Question, were does the term "Common Size" come from, in all my years of Accounting I have never seen this term???  We should be able to name our reports, but when I make a "copy" to change this, it does not let me change the name??

  • Michele Mulkey commented
    February 27, 2017 23:45

    Yes, please.  

     The scenario I am understanding is that if the actual date of the month is the 15th, when I run an income statement - either common size or comparative, my month to date number for the current month/year is only 15 days of activity while my previous month/year is for the full month. Please confirm that this is the reason for wanting a the through date to be open, and not just for the end of the month.

  • Brian Taylor commented
    February 27, 2017 23:32

    This is an absolute no brainer.  Can come up with a million reasons why you would need to adjust the start and stop date for income reports. Every standard accounting software has this option. 

  • Stephanie Neveu commented
    November 18, 2016 13:07

    I have this same need.  when creating a custom report the reports developer had to give me the option to choose how many months to pull.  There wasn't a way to input a begin and end date. Which blows me away. This should be a no brainer necessity.  

  • Gary Ardis commented
    November 18, 2016 13:01

    Start and stop dates for financial reports should be standard in any accounting system.  We should be able to choose any period; whether it be monthly, quarterly or annually; to look at.  

  • Kara Silva commented
    October 29, 2015 21:05

    Hello Cynthia - your statement in the first paragraph does capture the reason for our need for a specific end date. 

    We need a specific start date so we can compare historical data on a month by month basis. 

    We have several reasons for needing a start date - Many of our clients work off of annual budgets and release work accordingly.  If we were able to pull historical data month by month and compare to previous years it would allow us to anticipate monthly manpower and cash flow needs by looking at revenue trends by year.

    Additionally, we are a painting contractor which means our exterior work is somewhat seasonal and impacted by weather depending on the region.  Having access to month by month income reports would help us to compare and plan for manpower needs as well as cash flow needs/anticipations. 

    There are other needs and uses for this type of financial reporting, but these are the two most common for us.

  • Jim Saad commented
    October 29, 2015 21:03

    Run a P&L from April to May or from Jan thru March, or from any start date to any ending date.

  • Deleted User commented
    October 29, 2015 20:53

    Per the description, I understand the request to allow the date entry to be any date, not just the period end date.  The scenario I am understanding is that if the actual date of the month is the 15th, when I run an income statement - either common size or comparative, my month to date number for the current month/year is only 15 days of activity while my previous month/year is for the full month. Please confirm that this is the reason for wanting a the through date to be open, and not just for the end of the month.

    I am not able to think of a scenario where having the entry of a start date would have impact.  Could someone provide a use case within their organization the purpose of entering a start date for an income statement?

    Thank you.

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