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More detail needed on "Customer Invoice Aging by Project" report

The referenced report is widely used by our management and staff.  To get the maximum amount of information from this report, we would like to at least have the option to see detail of the original invoice amount reduced by any partial payments that have been made.  Presently, this report only shows remaining balance due, and this does not give us the ability to quickly recognize invoices that require our attention because the partial payment may indicate an issue that we need to quickly resolve.  "Customer Invoice History" does provide the needed detail, but cannot be used rapidly or efficiently to monitor these situations.

  • Michael Lerner
  • Jun 14 2016
  • In Review
Company M.L. Ruberton Construction Co., Inc.
Job Title / Role CFO
I need it... 3 months
  • Attach files
  • Sandi McClure commented
    July 19, 2016 18:01

    Agreed!  A little more info included on one report will give us(the Customer) a Flag to look into it.  I have my complaints about this program as compared to A/C, but the more we voice and show the comparisons for reference to the issues, the more info they have to work with and hopefully get us resolutions.  Keep Up the Comments, Suggestions!

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    July 19, 2016 17:37

    I agree.  This way project managers have an easier time identifying problems and can work to resolve this issued in a more timely manner.

  • Michael Lerner commented
    June 14, 2016 19:50

    Again and again, ProContractor doesn't measure up to Management Suite and American Contractor.

  • Jim Saad commented
    June 14, 2016 19:43


    American Contractor offers the Accounts Receivable Statement with the option to use a Balancae Forward so that you can see original invoice, payments and balance. 

    Here is a screen shot:


  • Michael Lerner commented
    June 14, 2016 19:25

    And I neglected to mention that this same information is needed when running "Customer Statements" for all of the same reasons.

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