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Void an entire payroll batch

It would be helpful to be able to select an entire payroll batch for voiding if you entered an group of time cards incorrectly  such as wrong posting period.

  • Gayle Brinkley
  • Aug 25 2015
  • In Review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    February 15, 2024 18:11

    Yes- I vote yes to void entire payroll batch

  • Guest commented
    January 12, 2024 15:03

    please add feature to void as a batch and not individually

  • Josalynn Kirby commented
    October 13, 2021 23:41

    Please, PLEASE implement this. I've asked the reps many times over the last two years if this has been incorporated yet and still no.

    • Void an entire open payroll batch to fix Cycle Information instead of having to open and delete all individual timecards to allow that fix

    • Void an entire posted payroll batch/journal sequence to fix any backend items or posting issues (example: when the worker's comp code info gets updated, and something got messed up, now every single check/advice has to be individually voided and reinput to fix the backend calculations)

    • Bulk copy timesheets from a previous timecard. (example when: voided the batch, have to reenter all the exact same stuff, please make it so we can bulk copy timesheets from a whole journal sequence - it'd be faster and easier than doing one at a time. Also easier to remove one or two items from that than have to redo hundreds of copies and exclude one or two)

  • Nicole Hoff commented
    April 21, 2021 17:13

    So two ideas have been merged into this one but they would be separate features. 1) Void Journal Sequence to void a posted Payroll 2) Delete ALL timecards on an open Payroll Cycle to correct date issues instead of deleting timecards one at a time

  • Annie Loudermilk commented
    January 14, 2021 18:08

    This would definitely be helpful.

  • Nicole Hoff commented
    October 17, 2018 16:48

    It would be ideal to be able to void a "Journal Sequence" (or batch) for situations when a check date was later discovered to be the wrong date and crosses over quarters. Commonly it is not found until generating quarterly reports which are often performed in between payroll processing and shortly before reporting is due so time efficiency is important. In addition, it would reduce errors such as voiding a check with the wrong date which is even more difficult to correct

  • Sherry Granstrom commented
    October 01, 2018 17:27

    I agree.  This is definitely needed.

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    August 31, 2017 18:56

    I agree.  It is a real time waster to have to go in and delete a group of check 1 by 1.  This was needed from the beginning of time.  I had an entire payroll entered (40 checks) when I realized I had the wrong end date and had to delete the entire thing and redo.  Talk about time wasted.  

  • Sandi McClure commented
    August 31, 2017 18:46

    ABSOLUTELY NEEDED!  I just had to do that this week as I had one check I needed to correct and reprint. It does NOT let you make a correction on a check you have held to reprint, so what good is their band aid? Then I forgot to print my advices and had to copy the timecards and then void the batch, ONE AT A TIME! GRRRR.

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