This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit PCA-I-18 e-mailing paystubs & W-2s.
When setting up a customer include an area to enter the accounts payable email addresses. Then when an invoice is created and the email box is checked at the bottom it will automatically pull these email addresses into the email. This will save the hassle of trying to remember what email address to use for each customer. The feature will need to allow more then one email address though. With a lot of companies becoming paperless they want to receive their invoices through email rather then mail. We as a company would much rather do that as it saves us in postage and envelopes.
Company | Acorn Electrical Specialists, Inc. |
Job Title / Role | Office Assistant |
I need it... | 1 month |
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Also, pre-selecting the "Email" checkbox at the bottom of the screen so we know that this is a customer who want their invoices through email.