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Human Resource module

It would be beneficial to have a human resource module or additional tabs in payroll to track employee information such as performance reviews, bonuses, salary history, disciplinary action ect,  

  • Tamara Mitchell
  • Jun 25 2018
  • In Review
Company Briner Building Inc
Job Title / Role Accountant
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
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  • Doug Early commented
    October 17, 2024 18:52

    Nice to have employee dashboards for them to enter and manage vacation requests, sick time, certifications, timecards, etc.

  • Nicole Hoff commented
    November 21, 2019 21:58

    We have a Knowledge-based article named "Using custom User Defined Fields ( UDFs ) to manage Employee credentials, training, notes, etc'" that provides a solution in the meantime


  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    September 20, 2018 19:21

    It they decide to add a HR module, it would be great to have things for eligible for insurance coverage, 401K eligibility date, etc.  It is so very frustrating to have to enter stuff into user defined field on the binder tab, and then have to use the STUPID grids to check for what you are looking for.  Viewpoint need to move to the current century and start giving us what we need within the software.  I get really tried of hearing import to Excel.  This doesn't make less work, it makes more.  But, then again I don't think they really care.  Seems like all they are interested in is selling this junky accounting software and the estimating portion of it.

  • Emily Buchanan commented
    August 24, 2018 17:30

    It would be great it you could have views of this similar to Project Connect where you can easily see data such as when a probationary period is coming to an end or a reminder of when a certification expires, pay rates and raise information. employee list that you can EASILY print out instead of the "View Employee Setups" option that is difficult to get the simple information you need.  

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    July 27, 2018 11:27

    Again, double work.  These items need to be on  a separate tab and we would be able to create alerts etc to make life easier not harder.  Making our live hard seems to be the STANDARD for Viewpoint or enhancement requests wouldn't be still sitting as pending 2 years later.  You look at the planned enhancements and AGAIN the mostly have to do with estimating.  WHEN IS VIEWPOINT GOING TO FINALLY FIX THE ACCOUNTING END OF THIS PROGRAM.

  • Ione Ramsdell commented
    July 26, 2018 21:27

    One thing you can do to track certifications is to create a binder item type called Training. On the employee binder tab, add a line, add a scan of the certificate and put in a reminder date for when the training needs to be renewed. Do this for Drivers' Licenses as well. The system won't pop up a warning, but you would be able to go out to Admin-Tasks-View-Binder Items. Once you've retrieved the grid, sort the source type to be Employee. Then you could filter the binder item type. The Due date field is the reminder date you entered at the binder. Filter the date for less than or equal to next month/week/quarter and it will bring up everyone who needs to have a renewal. When you get their new certificate/DL, etc. take out the Due Date, add a new line for the new document with a reminder for when it needs to be renewed. 

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    July 20, 2018 19:51

    You are correct.  Things like employees taking OSHA classes, and Other Certifications for your particular scope of work would be a great advantage.  I current had to set up user defined fields, but with them being on the binder tab (TOTALLY STUPID LOCATION), it is easy to sometimes forget to check that you entered everything.  Would be a big advantage.

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