Why is it useful, who would benefit from it, how should it work?
There is a drill down capability in the Management Report that will allow you to view Cost Detail information for the posted cost value you have chosen. This information is in the Online Help --> Management Report, but I have also attached a document with some screenshots to provide visual.
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We need drill down capability to source documentation on all reports program wide.
This seems to be a good example of the currently popular "alternative facts" reasoning. Again, I say, THIS DOES NOT ALREADY EXIST.
We are looking for this feature in other reports.
This is still classified as "Shipped". IT IS NOT!!! There is virtually no "Drill-Down" in this program. The one example given certainly does not constitute a "solution" to this issue. If you are going to advertise that ProContractor has "Drill-Down" there should be at least a footnote that it is on one report.
This issue is not done! Please review again!!!
We need drill down on all reports that have underlying detail!
This FR is not complete IMO. I agree with a previous poster that the zoom level needs fixing for this.
We should have the ability to drill down from the report that is displayed first and not have to click to preview another report (that has bad zooming levels set) to then drill down.
The request for drill down capability has not been met and I agree with others that this not be set to
Shipped. How can anyone agree that this is done?
Bad response, Admin. This one report definitely does not qualify the feature as "already existing" or "shipped". You had better un-classify this one as "shipped" if you want to retain some sort of credibility since there have been 31 users who don't think it already exists. There is a very apparent growing population of disgruntled PC users. Before the appearance of this Suggestion Box, I thought maybe I was alone in my dissatisfaction, discouragement with PC's. Now I know I unfortunately have a lot of company.
Anyway, I hope that whoever the higher powers at Viewpoint are, they will start listening to the troops in the trenches. I see that PC is rated as the top contracting estimation software but they need to start taking a "user's eye view" of the accounting modules of the suite. If they improve their product they will have one loyal fan in me and I will sing their praises to anyone considering PC. In the meantime, however, I will continue with my "caveat emptor."
Chris, I read your response and agree 100%. We have been lied to over and over again. We were told Pro Contractor was being written in 2006 when we purchased Management Suite. We were also told that it would do much more than Management Suite,, such as the drill downs. Didn't take long to figure out that was another lie. I really don't think Viewpoint cares what we think and feel as long as they sell their crummy software. I haven't even installed 3.7. I was told by Support it wasn't necessary as most of the upgrade had to do with implementation. It is really frustrating that things we really need have been out there over 1 year. Also, if you look at planned stuff I only saw 1 enhancement request that deals with accounting, the best have to do with estimating and a few other misc. items. Truly disappointed..
Dear "admin response" and Development Team,
1) This suggestion was entered in September of last year. Why did it take 10 months for someone to say that the functionality is already in the software???
2) I just tried following the drill down steps as per the outline above. No information came back on the detail. I tried multiple line items and i get a blank page of detail every time I tried (see attached "drill down fail" screen shot). I run a cost detail report and get 8 pages of detail on a single line item. I drill down in the management report and got nothing.
3) Are we the customers wasting our time inputting suggestions in Clearview? I was just part of another thread that simply wanted the ability to enter credit amounts in a progress billing. It took a year for that to be addressed, and even at that, it isn't coming out until this fall.
4) Last but not least, as you can see from the responses on this thread, there are MANY customers crying for this functionality. When your customers are begging for something as fancy as Quickbooks, you've got a major problem. I was really excited when Viewpoint bought Procontractor. I was told time and time again at the user conference last year that it was a product in need of a major overhaul (agreed) and that it was built from a sales perspective (agreed), but now that it was acquired by Viewpoint these short comings were going to be addressed. I'm still waiting to see that happen!
This is a joke! This is not a drill down feature and whatever it is, it is not user friendly! Maybe you all need to review programs like Quickbooks, etc. and learn what a drill down feature as well as the meaning of user friendly. The accounting side of this software is lacking in too many areas and the development department is failing miserably at listening to your customers as well as customer service. Your sales team does a great job showcasing the software but fails to deliver the goods promised.
That is better than nothing, but you should be able to drill down in committed costs as well as on all reports. I really like this program but this should be an upgrade that they add. Even as bad as foundation was it had the ability to drill down on most reports.
This is clunky at best. When you hit the button to take it to print view (1 click) the font shrinks again making you have to zoom in so you can even read it(2 clicks) then you only can get a select icon if you hover over the posted cost column (= to 1/2 to 5 clicks because I have to remember where it is). This is equal to or more than the steps to open another report. not exactly user friendly or helpful.
This is too many steps to consider this an idea that already exists. it is only on one report and is absolutely not user friendly
Fix the zoom and font size issue! this is everywhere on the accounting side and needs more help on the estimating.
Fix the ability to drill in issue! make it consistent throughout the program (project status etc.) not just on one report where you have so many steps.
Keep it simple. ONE CLICK = DRILL IN!
Your customers are crying out for you to deliver the software that was promised at sale, not to have you say something exists when it really does not. Based on this logic I have some clean one owner trucks with 250,000 miles on them that I will gladly sell you as new.
This functionality would be very beneficial in project connect as well.
Explorer started moving away from reports and is now on an "Inquiry" path, where rather than a report based drilldown option, you did a job cost inquiry, or a GL account inquiry, or equipment inquiry. It was an electronic method of accessing data that allowed a double click to view further transactional details.
Even the most basic accounting systems, QuickBooks, Simply, they all allow for transactional drilldowns. You'd think a company as big as Viewpoint would have the development staff to make drilldown options available at any point in the software
All people reviewing job costs would benefit. It allows you to take a quick glance at a higher level view and be able to look deeper into issues that look out of whack without having to run a separate report. We currently have to bounce between reports as the cost detail report has too much info for a quick glance and management report has too little detail. I used an interactive report like this on Timberline and it was wonderful