Submit Your Suggestions For ProContractor

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Allow Windows display settings to be functional within ProContractor

If a user changes the Display setting of their Windows desktop to 125% or 150%, ProContractor screens become compromised.  Users lose the ability to see necessary buttons such as "OK", "Save" and "Cancel".


Adjust all ProContractor screens throughout the application.  Make all screens able to be function regardless of whether the user selects 125% or 150%.

  • John Black
  • Oct 9 2015
  • Will not implement
  • Jan 27, 2017

    Admin response

    Windows 10 provides some screen resolution and screen magnification tools that will help with the sizing.
    Changing the screen scaling above 100% will increase size. Depending on the size monitor you are using, scroll bars may or may not appear. For example, using a 23" monitor, running at 125% the full screen was visible. When running at higher scale factor, a scroll bar may appear, but if you hide the title bar (<F11>) at the top of the window, the entire screen may display.

    Windows 10 also has a magnification tool (Magnifier - found in Windows Ease of Access Center). This tool has a full screen mode, where the entire screen is magnified (above your current screen resolution). This tool is not for everyone, but some may find beneficial.

    We will not implement a project to change the overall font sizing within the ProContractor application windows. We may look at specific areas as part of doing new development work, but will assess effort and impact on other projects to determine a move forward strategy.

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  • Devrie Weliver commented
    February 01, 2018 12:55

    Our entire team has 4K monitors & laptops.  We need ProContractor to operate at a higher resolution.

  • Devrie Weliver commented
    January 31, 2018 23:54

    Viewpoint really needs to improve this product so that it can function at higher resolutions

  • Adrian Makins commented
    January 31, 2018 22:28

    This idea should be reconsidered there is a high demand for this functionality.

  • Leif Ernst commented
    January 19, 2017 19:03

    Our company has switched devices to the Microsoft Surface Book and Surface. When docking for multiple monitors and running logs in ProContractor, the view settings go crazy. As the industry moves more and more to Microsoft Surface type devices, this is going to be a must. It would be great for ProContractor to get ahead of the tech curve and be leading the edge.


    We are also switching everything to 2-4k monitors which adds to the problem.

  • Rodney Lo commented
    December 22, 2016 18:21

    My entire office of 40 people are setup with 4k laptop screens, and 2 external monitors.  We need to resolution for cad drawing in Bluebeam and Autocad.     

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    March 25, 2016 12:12

    This is a much needed item.  If you are entering data all day long by the end of the day your eyes are really tired.  On a lot of screens there is room the change the layout out that would allow a bigger font to be used.

  • Rick M Radonich commented
    February 25, 2016 01:45

    Without this ability, it is difficult to use use screens at their full resolution.  When we changed to ProContractor, I had to reduce the resolution on my 2560x1600 capable screens to 1920x1080 because the font is too small with Windows Resolution at 100%.

  • Curtis Van Ruskenveld commented
    January 27, 2016 16:32

    This idea should be merged with the idea titled, "Ability to change screen font size just for Pro Contractor". 

    Users are having difficulties viewing the small print of Pro Contractor and to solve this issue they are changing their Windows Resolution to 125%. As soon as this windows function is selected, PCMX program functionality decreases in several different user screens.

    The suggested solution we have received from PCMX support is to try the windows magnifier... but this makes every other aspect of windows very difficult to manage. 

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