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PC needs to fit screen resolution. Not adjust screen resolution for PC.

When opening PC it does not adjust to current resolution, and no slider bar is provided to manipulate the screen. Need to correct so that we do not have to adjust our computer to use PC.

  • Chris Cochran
  • Nov 11 2016
  • Will not implement
  • Jan 27, 2017

    Admin response

    Windows 10 provides some screen resolution and screen magnification tools that will help with the sizing.
    Changing the screen scaling above 100% will increase size. Depending on the size monitor you are using, scroll bars may or may not appear. For example, using a 23" monitor, running at 125% the full screen was visible. When running at higher scale factor, a scroll bar may appear, but if you hide the title bar (<F11>) at the top of the window, the entire screen may display.

    Windows 10 also has a magnification tool (Magnifier - found in Windows Ease of Access Center). This tool has a full screen mode, where the entire screen is magnified (above your current screen resolution). This tool is not for everyone, but some may find beneficial.

    We will not implement a project to change the overall font sizing within the ProContractor application windows. We may look at specific areas as part of doing new development work, but will assess effort and impact on other projects to determine a move forward strategy.

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  • Guest commented
    September 12, 2024 18:23

    Agree something needs be corrected for the text and display -- been killing my eyes.

    Drawings moved into estimate/takeoff are so broken can not determine what is on drawings

    We have used this system for years but seems been getting worst for visiability

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    January 30, 2017 12:49

    Without a doubt this is probably one of the most disappointing responses we have gotten yet.  I cannot fathom why Viewpoint won't do this.  With so many of us complaining about the inability to easily see and work using this software you would think they would want to make their users happy.  But, I guess that is not to be.  Truly a terrible decision on their part.

  • Gayle Brinkley commented
    December 02, 2016 14:52

    I agree.  I feel like my eye sight has gone from bad to worse after using this software for over 1 year now.  Unfortunately, Jim is correct.  This and many other items seems to have fallen on deaf ears.  Hopefully everyone completed their survey and complain loud and strong about the lack of enhancements and ease of use.  I as sorry we ever got this software. 

  • Jim Saad commented
    November 14, 2016 23:07

    There have been a good number of requests to increase the font size as well as update windows with better ergonomics and all have fallen on deaf ears. The screen font size is killing my eyes and many others too. Totally unacceptable. They haven't even addressed it as a possible fix yet!

    Unbelievable. What a complete lack of regard for the end user.

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