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Auto populate Vendor name

When going to enter in vendor invoice, rather than clicking on the 3 dots it would be so much more efficient if you could start typing in the vendor name or ID and it will auto populate the vendor name

  • Mandi Marzucco
  • Jun 9 2017
  • Shipped
Company Marzucco's Construction & Coatings Inc.
Job Title / Role VP pf Operations
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Nicole Hoff commented
    February 08, 2022 19:34

    If you are entering transactions for the same vendor, you can use the F5 hotkey to autfill in the last vendor name used. For more hot keys, search for the knowledge based article content or in the help topic

  • Lani Krueger commented
    April 21, 2021 19:10

    I agree with Jordan. F4 is helpful in some fields, but a royal pain to have to use all the time. I should be able to start typing and find the option I want.

  • Jordan Davidson commented
    April 21, 2021 19:02

    Bryan, let's get this done. For now, any field that has ... should be able to have smart lookup. We are coming up on 4 years since this request has been put in.

  • Bettina Rheinschmidt commented
    May 11, 2020 21:10

    I use F4. Works great for me.

  • CJ Forgus commented
    April 24, 2020 19:39

    Smart lookup has been around since the 90's - you start typing the name and the dropdown opens up and takes you to the correct name in the list - come on already.

  • Accounts Payable commented
    November 21, 2019 15:15

    The second highest suggestion is still not planned!

  • Kristie Comer commented
    October 18, 2018 12:22

    I think Michael Lewis was hacked. I've informed Viewpoint, don't open his attachments.

  • Roger Brocious commented
    June 16, 2017 12:14

    Suggestions similar to this have been made.  In fact, if you check out the "Popular" suggestions list, you will see this same suggestion is the 2nd most popular one.  However, it has been more than a year now and nothing as of yet has been implemented in the program to address this request/suggestion.

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