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Upload Project/AR invoices from a Spreadsheet into ProContractor

Current the only type of invoice that can be imported from a spreadsheet into ProContractor is Vendor Invoices (from under Administration > Utilities > Import Transactions).  This would be extremely helpful for the customers/projects side as well.   Items are produced in a difference scheduling system and to have that transferred to a spreadsheet that can be uploaded as project specific with a customer reference as well would help facilitate the invoices being entered on a daily/weekly basis.

  • Denise Miller
  • Jan 9 2019
  • In Review
Company Anchor Fire Protection
Job Title / Role Bookkeeper/Accounting
I need it... Yesterday...Come on already
  • Attach files
  • Shari Brown commented
    May 31, 2022 21:16

    We currently use a 3rd party system for billing Rock Products which we mine directly and sell to our non-construction customers. This system is a non-network custom software package which ingrates with our weigh scale, produces scale tickets and invoices. We’d like to be able to import the invoices directly into Pro-Contractor without any manual data entry.

  • Denise Miller commented
    March 12, 2019 20:02

    Please provide me with an update on the status of this idea in review.  Thank you.

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